Single String - Pani Da Rang (Vicky Donor)

Single String - Pani Da Rang (Vicky Donor)

'Pani Da Rang' is a song written and composed by Ayushmann Khurrana and Rochak Kohli for the Indian film Vicky Donor. Picturized on Ayushmann Khurrana and Yami Gautam along with other co-actors from the Vicky Donor ensemble the song features vocals by Ayushmann Khurrana and Sukanya Purkayastha. The song primarily consists of Punjabi lyrics with some Hindi words included as well.

We are providing the guitar tabs on single string for this song for beginners. As it is a single string song, it may not be exactly same as that of original but it will be quite close to the original one. Try to use multiple fingers so that after some practice you may be able to play the real tabs.

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Pani da rang vekh ke
e | 0-5s7-7-7-7-7s10-7-3-5-5

Pani da rang vekh ke
e | 0-5s7-7-7-7-7s10-7-3-5-5

Ankhiyan cho hanju rud de
e | 0-2-3-3-3-3-5-5-B3-E-0-0-0

Ankhiyan cho hanju rud de
e | 3-3-3-3-5-5-B3-E-0-0-0

Ankhiyan cho hanju rud de
e | 3-3-3-3-5-5-B3-E-0-0-0


Mahiya naa aaya mera..Mahiya naa aaya
e | 12-12-12-12-10-12-7-7-10-10-10-7-7-7

Mahiya naa aaya mera..Mahiya naa aaya
e | 12-12-12-12-10-12-7-7-10-10-10-7-7-7

Ranjhna na aaya mera...Mahiya naa aaya
e | 7-7-5-3-5-5-0-0-7-7-5-3-5-5

Ranjhna na aaya mera...Ranjhna naa aaya
e | 7-7-5-3-5-5-0-0-3-3-0-B3-0-0

Ankhaan daa noor vekh ke
e | 3-5s7-7-10-7-3-5-5

Ankhaan daa noor vekh ke
e | 0-3-5s7s10-10-7-3-5-5

Ankhiyan cho hanju rud de
e | 0-2-3-3-3-3-5-5-B3-E-0-0-0

Ankhiyan cho hanju rud de
e | 0-2-3-3-3-3-5-5-B3-E-0-0-0


Pani da rang vekh ke
e | 0-5s7-7-7-7-7s10-7-3-5-5

Pani da rang vekh ke
e | 0-5s7-7-7-7-7s10-7-3-5-5

Ankhiyan cho hanju rud de
e | 0-2-3-3-3-3-5-5-B3-E-0-0-0

Ankhiyan cho hanju rud de
e | 3-3-3-3-5-5-B3-E-0-0-0

Ankhiyan cho hanju rud de
e | 3-3-3-3-5-5-B3-E-0-0-0

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